Wednesday, May 12, 2010

From seedlings to plant life

Our plants are thriving beautifully. I was somewhat nervous to leave my plants with Aaron when I went to Florida. I don't know why I doubted his abilities, because I came home and they are huge! So glad that my husband can remember to take care of little things like that which are important to me. I really need to get them outside and out of these little, indoor "planters", however Nebraska weather is being very uncooperative (which isn't surprising of course). I need to slowly transition them to the outdoors...letting them sit outside for a few hours as day, for several days, before I actually transplant them but it's been too cold to do that. Hopefully they can hold out for a few more days.

"God almighty first planted a garden: and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures."--Sir Francis Bacon

I couldn't agree more with this quote. It's a weird sense of accomplishment and wonder as I watch these plants get taller and more beautiful-because of my (and Cece's) efforts! I am also very happy that I can do things like this with Cecelia. I'm happy that she can experience fresh from our "garden" vegetables. Even if they do just come out of our large pots with trellises on our back deck. I can't wait to have my own house, so that I can have a large garden in my back yard. I would love for my mother to teach me everything that she knows about gardening, so that I too, may pass this knowledge of personal handed down information to my children, rather than having to learn to garden from a "Gardening for dummies" type book.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Cece passed her first round of swimming lessons! She started at level one and was bumped up to level three after testing on the last day. She never fails to amaze me. She is adorable, amusing, charming, brave, creative, eager, hilarious, tough, loving, upbeat and witty and energetic! Yes, I am one proud momma (can you tell?) I can't help it, she excels at every thing she tries! The next round of swimming lessons is this summer. It runs Monday through Friday for 2 weeks, in the morning. Aaron will have to take her to the majority of her lessons since his work schedule allows for this. He is such a great dad. Completely hands on with his kids. A far cry from those dads that can't even change a diaper or who refer to staying at home with their kids as "babysitting"! "To each their own" I suppose, but I've never understood those type of fathers. For me however, I couldn't have picked a better man to be my companion and raise children with. I guess I also think he is amazing because it is his contributions as well, that has helped mold Cecelia into the amazing little girl that she is. So for that, I thank you Aaron.

Pictures and more

These pictures are from when we went to KidsExplore a few weeks ago. Cecelia got a lizard painted on her face. Cece also made one of those glass bottles filled with sand. She picked out a Vikings team bottle. She recognized her dads favorite team logo as soon as she saw it. Cecelia also LOVED the petting zoo. The picture is of her hugging a donkey. How cute!