Thursday, October 8, 2009

Picking Pumpkins

My mom talked my older sister Nikki into letting her plant a garden in her backyard for her. My mom and sister thought pumpkins would be fun. I don't think they realized how much pumpkins take over everything. Needless to say, my sister had a ton of freshly grown pumpkins in her backyard. We joked about how she should advertise her backyard as a pumpkin patch and charge admission and sell the pumpkins! Well, she did let Cecelia go and pick out a couple to take home with us. Stanley even had fun playing in the "pumpkin patch". Cecelia thinks she is such a big girl and said she could carry one of the pumpkins she picked from the yard into the house. After carrying it for about 3 feet she set it down on the ground and rolled it the rest of the way back to the house. It was a pretty smart idea! After we got home we drew faces on the pumpkins with permanent marker. We went online to google images to find ideas for different faces and she picked out a few and then we narrowed it down to the 2 you see in the pictures. She loved it. Every year we go to Valas pumpkin patch and are looking forward to going there this year again too, but we always try to wait until a little closer to Halloween to go. Although this year since it's been so cold out were going to have to plan ahead more if we don't want to freeze...Cecelia never has any fun if she's cold!

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