Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Well the weekly ob visits have started. I'm ambivilant about these. On the one hand I was dying to know if I had made any progress yet, and on the other hand, it's never fun to get checked. I am dilated to only 2 but I am 50-60% effaced, baby's head is down, but I'm still at -2 station. Some progress. I just imagined this whole pregnancy, that I would go into labor early. After this appointment I have come to the conclusion that I may go closer to 39-40 weeks...and have to work at getting this kid out. She apparently feels like a pretty good sized baby and based on my last ultrasound, plus the Doctors experience at feeling babies inside the womb, she has stated that we are looking at a 7-8 lb baby. I'm excited to meet this little princess but also am realizing that they are ALOT easier to take care of inside the womb than when they come out. It's all in God's hands:) Everything always works out just the way it is supposed to.

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