Sunday, September 29, 2013

Maci Brielle

Maci has arrived!!! Her birth story is one for the records as well! Maci was born at 4:58 AM on Friday July 12th. We arrived at the hospital and checked in at 4:36 if that says enough. We originally were planning on delivering at Bergan and I specifically did not want to go to Midlands hospital because they did not have anesthesia, residents or a NICU if needed. Turns out we couldn't make it to Bergan after all. I started having contractions about 11:30 at night just as everyone else was falling asleep. I did not fall asleep. Instead I got up and cleaned the house, did my makeup (in anticipation of eventually going to the hospital), and watching a movie (what happens in Vegas to be exact). Contractions were anywhere from 5-7 minutes apart and I didn't want to call someone over to stay with the girls if I was in false labor. I had gone to the hospital in false labor at 37 weeks and my contractions were 3-5 mins apart for hrs and they sent me home after giving me some IV fluids so I thought that surely having contractions 5-7 minutes apart would get me laughed out the door. Well, then my water broke around 3:30. But I wasn't sure it really broke or I was just peeing myself because fluid would come out when I was having a contraction but then stop when the contraction was done. Well, those contractions quickly got very, very painful and soon I was on all fours during the contractions because it was the only thing the somewhat helped the pain. So I woke up Aaron (who had conveniently taken Benadryl for his allergies and was passed out) and let him know it was time to go. We called his mom, his sister, his other sister, my mom all multiple times with no answer (don't these people know to not be sleeping at that time of night). Finally, I called my sister Charity and she woke up right away and said she was on her way. We woke up Kiley and told her we had to go. Poor kid saw me panting through a few contractions on the floor, because by this time they were coming every 2 mins. We let Kiley know she would be in charge for about 15 minutes until Aunt Charity got there. So we called Charity and told her that we had to go quick and that Kiley was there and just to hurry. We sped down HWY 370 probably going 80 mph and when we got to the intersection at 84th street Aaron needed to know which way to go. Right to midlands (RIGHT THERE) or left to go to Bergan Mercy. Yeah I chose Midlands because I seriously thought I was dying! When we got there we went to the emergency room because I in all honesty didn't know where to go at that hospital because it wasn't my birth plan. The receptionist at the front desk asked for our insurance and driver's license. I think I may have spewed some fire at her at that point and she called back to what I presume was an ER nurse and stated that there was a woman out front that SAID she was in labor. I'm panting through contractions in a wheelchair with my legs wide open. I'm pretty sure I'm not just SAYING I'm in labor lady:) So I got wheeled up to L&D. I stripped my clothes off right there with the door open and flung myself on the bed. Dramatic I know but the pain was unbearable. I was checked and sure enough it was declared that I was dilated to 9. At that point I began crying rambling about how I couldn't do this without an epidural and that I knew this was gonna happen because I was walking around dilated to 3-4 for weeks now. I begged for IV stadol, anything for pain. They said they couldn't give me ANYTHING because it would effect the babies breathing at that point. Yay me. So the doctor. Dr. Jones got there super fast. She was so very kind to me. My doctor had chosen the weekend before I was due to take a vacation. Honestly though, if I had to choose any other Doctor it would have been Dr. Jones.  I think I cussed a little, did some crying, writhing in pain like I was possessed and when the Doctor was gowned up and everything was set up I got a local block. Which means they stick a very long needle into parts that should never have a needle and that kills more than the contractions. About 30 seconds after that was done. I pushed 1 time (a really long push I'd say) and out came Maci Brielle.
So yeah, it's a story she will hear many times over in her lifetime:)
Pretty dark brown hair like her mommy. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 2 ounces. Our biggest baby yet.
The kids all started to have a cough at this point and they visited me in the hospital just once because we were afraid they would get the baby sick or worse, someone else's baby. Midlands was a great hospital despite their lack of anesthesia or residents available to my catering 24/7. LOL. At one point it was just me and Maci on the floor so we got very individualized care and attention. I had a ton of cramping after she was born (called involution). Apparently the more children you have the worse it is so I needed quite a bit of pain medication pretty often. We had so, so many visitors, gifts and flowers. They even sent us home with a dessert tray filled with cookies and brownies. The Monday after we got home they announced they were closing the L&D floor at Midlands due to lack of patient census.
Since Maci has been born it's non stop go go go. 3 kids sure rocked my world. We got family pictures done the week after she was born. Excuse the extra weight:)
Kiley went home to Texas to see her new house for the first time since her mom and step dad moved down there while Kiley was with us. We bought Kiley the new Samsung Galaxy 4 so we can stay in constant contact. Kiley started Middle School and is in the 6th grade.
Cece started 4th grade and has Ms. Mott. She loves it. She has made a few new friends as these were girls that she hasn't had in her class before as there are 3 fourth grade classes this year. Cece also recently got moved up to Advanced Gold level for competition. So excited for her! She is an amazing gymnast. Can't wait for this competition season. Cece's best friend Ainsley is also competing and goes to class the same nights/times Cece does so her mom and I have worked out a great car-pool schedule.
Liv is getting so big! She is talking up a storm and can communicate pretty much anything she needs at this point. She is working on potty training. Lets us know as soon as she has gone and strips all of her clothes off but isn't quite able to always tell us before she has to go. I'm hoping by Christmas we will have it down. Maci started an Art class at the YMCA every week for an hour and she also is going to the daycare 3 times a week for an hr or 2 while Aaron and I workout. This is great for her to get to socialize with other kids her age. She will start pre-school next fall. We still have to decide where at though.
Maci is an awesome baby. Loves to co sleep (but so do I because it means I actually get to sleep). Not fussy whatsoever for us. She gets fussy for other people she doesn't know very well though...which is pretty much everyone at this age. She is 10 weeks old now and wearing 3 month clothing. I love my little chunkie monkey.
I started working out, got a personal trainer and am loving it. Breast feeding is gong great besides the hot flashes that go along with low hormone levels. I'm starting a new job on Monday with much better benefits and more pay. Sad to leave the girls I have become friends with at HNWH but there are about 5 of us going to the new company from HNWH so it won't be that bad at all. I started school at Bellevue University for Masters in HealthCare Administration. My sister is also doing the program with me. We are doing 1 class a semester (which is considered 1/2 time) and we will be done in 2016. At which point Liv will be in kindergarten and Maci will be in preschool so I can go back to work during the week full time most likely. I'd love a flexible schedule though. We shall see. Life is busy but good these days.
Aaron is doing good. We started working on finishing the basement so that has been a project. The framing is just about finished and then we can do electrical. My brother in law and Aaron have done the framing. Aaron has 2 friends that are electricians so one of them will be doing the electrical and then from there Aaron and his dad will do the plumbing, bathroom, dry wall and trim. I can paint and we will have my brother in law install the carpet as we already have super nice carpet remnants that we bought in the spring. We can't wait to have the basement finished as we already feel like we are outgrowing this house. I can't believe Aaron would like to try 1 more time for a boy. I feel super content with the 4 girls we have right now. We haven't made any permanent decisions as I've decided that god willing, if we try again it won't be until Maci is atleast 2 years old. A two year old and a newborn are HARD work. Gotta go. Liv is shoving a purse of hers in my face repeatedly telling me the strap broke:) I will edit later. Here's just 1 family pic of us

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